We want to restore hope, peace & joy in the life of every client.


You can expect to be in a comfortable and inviting environment, to talk about the issues that are important to you, to have someone that will listen to you, guide you to new ideas and encourage you to keep trying. 

Younger clients can expect to be interactive in therapy. We use a variety of interactive therapy techniques to help children express themselves through play.


How can therapy help me?

Therapy can be helpful by providing a safe space to explore your thoughts and feelings. Therapy is confidential, unlike talking to a friend, so what you say in therapy stays in therapy. Therapy is an opportunity for you to learn new coping skills, explore new problem solving skills and improve in communication. 

Therapy is a partnership in helping your child and family reach full functioning at home, school and in relationships. Change is a process but is possible with effort and determination.  Our focus is on promoting change for the individual as well as the family. My role as therapist is not to tell you or your child how you should live your life but to help you achieve your own goals for your life.


Do I really need therapy?

People come for therapy for a variety of reasons. Asking for help and coming to therapy in no way means there is anything wrong with you. Life is hard and sometimes you just need help in learning how to adjust with all the changes life throws at you. 


How long does therapy last?

The length of therapy depends on a variety of things including diagnosis and motivation to change. Sometimes things change in just a few sessions and for others it takes a little longer. There is no set time limit for therapy. 


What is confidentiality?

Confidentiality means that as therapists we are bound by the law to not repeat or share what is stated during therapy. There are specific exceptions to confidentiality including:

  • If there is reason to believe that physical, sexual or emotional abuse, neglect, or domestic violence is happening in the presence of a minor or an incapacitated adult this must be reported to authorities.

  • If there is the threat of harm to self.

  • If there is the threat of harm to others.

  • If a judge court orders information.

  • If a release form is signed giving permission for the therapist to release information to another person.


Do you accept insurance?

Restoration Counseling currently accepts Blue Cross Blue Shield, United Health Care, Health Choice Oklahoma and Cigna. Many people choose not to go through their insurance provider for counseling services. If you choose to pay cash, fees are $100 an hour.